Ways to Burn Calories: 10 Surprising Strategies

Ways to Burn Calories: 10 Surprising Strategies

While exercise and a nutritious diet are two of the most effective methods to reduce weight, there are several more options you might consider. Discover ten strange or uncommon methods to burn calories and lose weight.

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Burn Calories Fast

1. Watching a comedy show

Ways to Burn Calories

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Whether you watch a hilarious episode of FRIENDS, a stand-up comedy program, or just the Kapil Sharma show, they will make you chuckle. Laughter is not only beneficial for the spirit; it is also helpful for burning calories. Laughing, like modest exercise, has been shown in studies to raise heart rate and oxygen consumption. So binge-watch that comedy guilt-free since it’s excellent for your body!

2. A warm hug

Ways to Burn Calories

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Hugs are not only soothing, but they may also be used to burn calories. According to a research released by Carnegie Mellon University, embracing your loved one several times during the day may burn about 70 calories. Hugging increases your heart rate and triggers the release of oxytocin, a hormone that promotes bonding and relieves stress. Hug it out because it is good for your health!

Also Read: Metabolism and weight loss: How you burn calories

3. Cold weather

Ways to Burn Calories

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Ways to Burn Calorie

Have you ever observed how you shiver in the cold? Involuntary shivering is your body’s technique of producing heat in order to maintain its temperature. Shivering increases your metabolic rate, causing your body to work harder to keep you warm. So, embrace the cool; it could just help you burn a few more calories.

4. Drinking cold water

Ways to Burn Calories

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Ways to Burn Calorie

If you don’t live in a cold-weather location, you can attempt this approach. Drinking cold water has an unexpected impact on your metabolism. When you drink ice-cold water, your body expends energy to bring it up to your core body temperature. This process, known as thermogenesis, can burn a few calories per glass, especially if you drink it frequently throughout the day.

5. Fidgeting

Ways to Burn Calories

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If you know someone who is unable to sit still, the following are some helpful updates: Rented Kalorien with fidgeting. Whether you tilt your foot, rotate your finger, or shake your head nonstop, these non-physical movements can increase your metabolism and help you burn up to 350 calories a day, according to Harvard Health Publishing.

6. Texting

Ways to Burn Calories

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While texting may seem like a sedentary activity, it can actually contribute to calorie restriction because of the constant tapping and scrolling. Texting uses up your fingers and might slightly increase your metabolic rate over time. According to a study published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research, one can burn up to 40 additional calories in only one hour.

Creative Calorie Burn

7. Chewing gum

Ways to Burn Calories

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Although chewing gum doesn’t look like exercise, the repeated motions of the jaw can help burn additional calories. Chewing gum is beneficial for someone attempting to lose weight since it can also lessen cravings for snacking. In addition, it works well when paired with a balanced diet and regular exercise.

8. Kissing

Ways to Burn Calories

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Kissing may increase heart rate and activate several face muscles, so it’s not only physical intimacy that burns calories. So, pucker up—kissing is not just romantic but also calorie-burning!

Quick Calorie Brn

9. Playing with a dog

Ways to Burn Calories

Picture sourced from Adobe Stock

Quick Calorie Burn

Not only is playing with your pet enjoyable, but it also aids in calorie burning. Whether you’re playing tug-of-war, walking, or throwing a ball, spending time with your dog may get you moving and boost your daily energy expenditure. Additionally, it’s a fantastic method of lowering stress, which contributes to weight gain.

10. Singing in the shower

Ways to Burn Calories

Picture sourced from Adobe Stock

Best Calorie Burn

Singing aloud can assist burn calories, so if you enjoy singing, go ahead and do it. Singing works different muscles in your face, chest, and belly. Singing also improves your mood and lowers stress, which benefits your general wellbeing.

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7.5 kg Dumbbells

Include the best 7.5 kg dumbbells in your home gym to help you reach your fitness objectives. Image courtesy of Adobe Stock.

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