Shoulder acne: Best 4 Causes and Good home remedies

Shoulder acne: Best 4 Causes and Good home remedies

Learn about shoulder acne causes and treatments, featuring natural remedies like tea tree oil and aloe vera to help clear your skin.

Shoulder acne is comparable to facial acne. Hormones and diet can also contribute to this skin condition. We explain how to get rid of shoulder acne.

Acne is a common skin condition that can manifest in any area of the body. However, it generally occurs on the face, chest, neck, back, and shoulders. As the weather warms and we wear garments that expose our skin to more sunlight, we are more likely to get shoulder acne. It can take several forms, from pimples to large cysts. These can cause discomfort and agony. However, you can treat them with home treatments for shoulder acne. Let us explain how to get rid of shoulder acne.

What is shoulder acne?

Shoulder acne causes pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads on the shoulders and upper back. Shoulder acne, like facial acne, occurs when oil, dead skin, and germs become trapped in the pores. Hormones, DNA, stress, diet, or even anything that rub on your shoulders, such as backpacks or clothing, can all contribute to this.

shoulder acne

Stress may be a cause of shoulder acne. Image credit: Adobe Stock.”Shoulder acne, according to Ayurveda, is caused by dosha imbalances. Pitta, related with heat and metabolism, and Kapha, associated with structure and lubrication, are particularly active. Dr Arathi Vasudev, an Ayurvedic physician, believes that toxins (ama) build up in the body as a result of poor digestion, nutrition, and lifestyle choices, causing skin disorders such as shoulder acne.

What are the causes of shoulder acne?

Some of the causes of shoulder acne include:

1. Acne mechanica

This is one of the most prevalent kinds of acne seen on the shoulders and back. Acne mechanica, produced by friction, is typically connected with ill-fitting clothing, activity, and sports wear, but it may also be caused by something as simple as a badly fitted backpack, according to a 2014 research published in Acneiform Eruptions in Dermatology.

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2. Acne vulgaris

These lesions, also known as hormonal acne, develop when the skin produces an excessive quantity of sebum, or oil, which can block hair follicles, according to a 2023 StatPearls study.

3. Keratosis pilaris

Although not acne, keratosis pilaris can seem like pimples. The lumps appear as patches on the shoulders, back, and upper arms. They are the result of excessive keratin production. According to a study published in StatPearls in 2023, the disease is not difficult, but it might be unsightly if it affects large sections of the body.

4. Hormonal imbalance

“Endocrine illnesses, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), can produce hormonal changes that boost sebum production. The specialist warns that this might cause blocked pores and acne on the shoulders.


Also Read: Back Acne & Shoulder Acne Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

Home remedies for shoulder acne

You may get rid of shoulder acne by following these tips:

1. Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is an essential oil used in skin care products for its multiple advantages. It treats acne by destroying germs. You can apply tea tree oil to the afflicted area and leave it overnight. A 2019 study published in the Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics found that products containing tea tree oil can reduce acne lesions in adults due to its antibacterial qualities.

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How can I use tea tree oil to treat shoulder acne? Take one tablespoon of tea tree oil and some cotton balls. Gently massage cotton balls into the afflicted regions. Let it sit overnight before gently washing it off.

2. Aloe vera

According to a 2008 research published in the Indian Journal of Dermatology, aloe vera is a natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory that can help minimize the appearance of acne and prevent breakouts when used as part of a therapy regimen.


shoulder acne
Use aloe vera to treat shoulder acne. Image credit: Adobe Stock.To treat shoulder acne with aloe vera, apply fresh gel directly to affected areas. Massage it until it is fully absorbed by the body.

3. Turmeric

Turmeric is said to be the oldest acne treatment. Curcumin in turmeric contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that can help cure acne, according to a 2017 study published in the Foods journal.

Take one tablespoon turmeric powder and one tablespoon water. Combine them to form a thick paste. After 20 minutes, cleanse your skin.

4. Neem

Neem is recognized for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory characteristics, which may help with shoulder acne.

  • To treat shoulder acne with neem powder, combine 1 tablespoon with a little water. Make a thick paste and gently spread it over the damaged regions.

5. Triphala

“Triphala, an Ayurvedic herbal formulation known for its detoxifying properties, can be taken as a supplement or applied topically as a paste mixed with water,” according to the doctor.

Skin irritation or allergic responses are possible adverse effects, particularly if the treatments are not administered correctly, as well as stomach discomfort if herbal supplements are ingested in large quantities. Furthermore, certain herbs, such as turmeric or neem, may cause photosensitivity, needing sun protection precautions.

It is critical to take caution and check with a doctor before implementing any home cure, as adverse reactions or sensitivities may arise.


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