Plank Jacks: Best 7 Simple Steps for Effective Weight Loss

Plank Jacks: Best 7 Simple Steps for Effective Weight Loss

Plank jacks can make losing weight simpler! This is the method for doing it.
Having trouble performing plank jacks? Well, it’s really not that hard to do this weight loss workout. All you have to do is take these actions!

Plank Jacks

A forearm plank can help you lose that troublesome belly fat! Picture sourced from Adobe Stock

If you’re thinking about losing weight, you may be searching for the top fat-burning workouts that may yield outcomes right away, inspiring you to keep going for your objective. So, what are your thoughts on plank jacks? Plank jacks combine the two most popular exercises for weight reduction, jumping jacks and planks, making it the perfect workout to incorporate into your program. So how do you perform jumping jacks? Let’s investigate.

Plank Jacks Benefits

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Bear Plank

Learn how to make bear planks and their benefits. Picture sourced from Adobe Stock

To learn more about the advantages of jumping jacks for weight reduction, Health Shots contacted fitness enthusiast and transformation life coach Vaneeta Batra.

Weight Loss with Plank Jacks

This is how to perform plank jacks:

Step 1: Take a high plank position to begin. With your hands on the floor, bend down on a mat and stretch your arms so they are squarely beneath your shoulders.
Step 2: Extend your legs behind you now. To align your shoulders and hips, place your feet firmly on the ground and lift your buttocks.

Step 3: To maintain your plank posture, use your glutes and core muscles. In addition, keep your entire body in a straight line, keep your back flat, and gaze at the ground.

Step 4: Continue to hold the plank posture; at this point, your legs should be doing all the work.
Step 5: Maintain a tight core as you hop to either side with both legs outstretched.
Step 6: Immediately return with both feet to the middle after completing the task.
Step 7: Keep jumping in and out while performing at least ten repetitions.

Note: Keep your back upright and avoid letting your hips dip during the whole exercise. Don’t forget to maintain your arms straight.

It should look like a jumping jack done while holding a plank posture.

Plank Jacks Workout


Also Read: How (and Why) to Add Plank Jacks to Your Workout

Are plank jacks beneficial for losing weight?


Plank Jacks

Adjust your weight reduction program by include this workout! Picture sourced from Shutterstock

All of the core muscles, including the obliques and the abdominal area, are worked by performing the plank and any variant of it. They also activate the hip and back muscles.

Plank jacks are an aerobic and strength training activity. They can help you develop the muscles in your upper and lower body. It could improve your cardiovascular endurance, prevent backaches, and strengthen and stabilize your core. How does it help with weight loss is the question.

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According to Batra, plank jacks are a great aerobic workout that may increase heart rate, burn calories, and speed up metabolism. Because your entire body is involved, every muscle in your body is working to burn fat. This exercise’s two components both aid in weight loss.

In addition to building the abs and core muscles, plank jacks also work the arms, shoulders, back, chest, and abdomen.

Plank Jacks Exercise

3 more plank variants to help you lose weight

If practicing plank jacks seems a bit difficult, try these three plank variations; they will help you prepare to do plank jacks.

1. Tape the plank sides

  • Take a plank stance to begin.
  • Press your toes into the earth and raise your rear end until your shoulders and hips are in alignment.
  • As you step your right foot out to the right and back to the center, pull your navel into your spine to flex your abs.
  • Continue with your left leg. Perform ten repetitions of this.


Plank Jacks

The plank is an excellent exercise that improves stamina and helps develop strong abdominal muscles! Picture sourced from Shutterstock

2. Jack of planks to frog

  • Perform one plank jack while starting in the high plank position.
  • After that, raise your hips and both legs toward your hands. Bend your knees and softly land on your toes.
  • Return to the high plank by hopping.
  • Perform ten repetitions of this.

3. Squat jump using a plank jack

  • Perform one plank jack while starting in the high plank position.
  • Next, raise both of your legs and your hips toward your hands.
  • Raise your arms, your body, and your heels to propel yourself upwards.
  • Drop to a squat, put your hands back on the ground, and then jump your legs back up into a high plank.
  • Perform ten repetitions of this.


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