Maintain Muscle Mass as You Age: Essential Tips
Maintaining muscle mass is critical to staying healthy. Continue reading to learn about the proper diet and exercise for the same.
Strength training is vital for maintaining muscular mass. Image credit of Freepik
Increased muscle mass frequently benefits us in more ways than we realize. Maintaining muscle mass is critical for a healthy lifestyle, from maintaining body weight to reducing body fat. It not only benefits your physical health, but it also boosts your immunity, increases your energy levels, and reduces stress. But how can you preserve muscular mass?
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Strength training is vital for maintaining muscular mass. Without strength training, people’s muscular mass will decrease. According to a research published in the muscular, Ligaments, and Tendons Journal, muscular strength diminishes from 16.6 percent to 40.9 percent beyond the age of 40. Continue reading to learn how to retain your muscular mass.
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What is muscular mass?
muscular mass refers to the soft muscular tissue in the body, and it declines with age. Our body is composed of body fat, muscle mass, bones, and fluid, which are together referred to as lead body mass. Muscle mass is primarily related to the size of our muscles. “It contains skeletal muscles, which control movement, balance, and strength. According to fitness expert Wanitha Ashok, they account for around 35% of total body weight, depending on characteristics such as gender, height, and training program.
However, calculating muscle mass may be difficult since it is determined by a variety of factors. According to a research published in the Journal of Applied Physiology, the average muscle mass percentage for women aged 18 to 35 is 31 to 33, whereas for women aged 35 to 55 it is 29 to 31.
Also Read: Maintain muscle mass
Image credit: Adobe Stock.
Why is muscle mass necessary for the body?
Here are some major reasons why muscle mass is essential for our bodies:
1. Strength and Mobility
You require lean muscle mass for strength and mobility; it helps with overall strength and functional mobility. These muscles let us to move, lift items, and execute daily activities with ease while preventing accidents. According to a research published in the Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine, muscle mass loss causes a decline in mobility in our bodies.
2. Decrease causes weight gain.
Muscles are metabolically active structures that consume calories even while resting. A decile increase in muscle mass reduces metabolism and leads to weight gain. However, it is critical to preserve muscle mass during your weight loss journey. A research published in Advances in Nutrition advises that weight loss should be accompanied with a hypocaloric diet rich in protein and increased physical exercise to preserve muscle mass.
To retain muscular mass, ensure sure your activities are properly executed and aligned. Image credit of Freepik
3. Protection.
Muscles offer support for bones, particularly around joints. Muscles operate as shock absorbers, cautioning and protecting the joints while stabilising the body during physical activity, lowering the chance of injury. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, a loss in muscle mass increases the risk of falls and fractures.
4. Helps with diabetes.
The surprise advantage of muscle mass is that it helps regulate blood sugar levels, improves insulin sensitivity, and lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes. A research published in Nutrition & Diabetes reveals that having less skeletal muscle mass increases the risk of developing diabetes.
Diet for maintaining muscular mass.
Muscle mass is built and maintained with a well-balanced diet and strength training workouts. A nutritious diet with enough protein promotes general health and lean muscle mass. At the cellular level, muscle building, repair, and maintenance require an adequate protein supply. Excess protein can stress the kidneys and boost uric acid levels, so limit your consumption. “Aim for one gram of protein per kilogram of body weight.” “If you weigh 50 kilograms, consume 50 grams of protein per day,” adds Ashok.
Include protein in every meal, change your protein source every day, and maintain consistency. “Have your protein within 30 minutes of your workouts as this is known as the golden hour and absorption of nutrients is optimal,” says Ashok.
Diet for muscle maintenance
Here are some useful sources:
- Eggs are at the top of the list due to their high protein and amino acid content.
- Salmon contains protein, B vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids.
- Lean protein, such as chicken breast, is a rich source of vitamin B.
- Vegetarians can eat complex carbohydrates like oats, brown rice, millet, and quinoa, as well as vegetables like broccoli, peas, sweet potatoes, pulses, lentils, sprouts, paneer (in moderation), and tofu.
Exercises to Maintain Muscle Mass
Total body strength training is the most effective way to maintain muscle mass. It’s vital to strive for 2-3 sessions every week. Here are some workouts you may add to your program on alternating days. However, to avoid repeated stress damage and muscle memory, Ashok recommends changing the routines on a regular basis.
To preserve muscular mass, warm up properly before beginning any workout. Image credit of Freepik
- Squats: A complex exercise that works all of the muscles in your lower body, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, and glutes.
- Deadlift is another complex exercise that works numerous muscular groups, including the back, hamstrings, and core.
- Bench Press and work on upper-body muscles such as the chest, shoulders, and triceps. External resistance options include barbells, physio balls, micro bands, and dumbbells.
- Shoulder Press, also known as Military Press, targets the deltoids and upper arms. You can use your preferred external resistance or even vary it.
- Ab workout: Alternate between standing, sitting, and supine positions. Include several types of crunches, planks, and oblique exercises.
Strength training tips
These exercises can be performed with your own body weight or with external resistance. Ab workouts should be supplemented with lower back exercises that target the opposing muscle. Here are some lower-back workouts. Cobra, Bhujanga, Glute Bridge, Cat and Cow, Bird – Dog, and Superman.
To allow for recuperation and muscle restoration, sessions should be spaced out by at least one to two days. You must advance through your workouts and challenge yourself by increasing the weights or reps as you gain strength. Too much too soon will exhaust you, damage you, and make you hate exercise.
Muscle mass and aging
A normal complete body strength training session for general fitness lasts around 60 minutes. “One should not overlook warm-up, as it prepares the just for the forthcoming activity, increases blood flow, ups performance and prevents injuries,” Ashok adds. He continues: “A 5-10 minute specific warm-up with dynamic stretches is recommended.”
For strength training, concentrate on compound movements. Aim for 3-5 sets of each exercise at 8-12 repetitions each set. Build this gradually. If you’re new to exercising, even one set is plenty. Depending on your fitness level, take a 20-30 second rest period between sets. Spend 5-10 minutes of static stretching to avoid lactic acid accumulation and muscle tightness.
Proper workout execution and alignment are essential for achieving benefits and avoiding injuries. You can get expert advice to arrange your training and be monitored. Listen to your body, get enough sleep, eat healthy, and exercise regularly.
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