Home remedies for dry itchy throat cough

Home remedies for dry itchy throat cough


A dry, itchy throat cough may be quite painful and frequently cause anxiety and disruptions to everyday activities. Thankfully, there are several of over-the-counter natural therapies that can offer comfort without prescription drugs. This thorough guide will cover a variety of natural treatments that are well-known for relieving dry, scratchy throat coughs. You may get relief and make your throat more comfortable by implementing these solutions into your daily routine.

Stay Hydrated: 

Retaining adequate hydration is one of the most straightforward, but crucial, treatments for a dry, itchy throat cough. By keeping the neck wet throughout the day, drinking enough water helps minimize irritation and discomfort. Drinking warm liquids like clear broths, warm water with honey, or herbal teas can also help soothe sore throats.

Home remedies for dry itchy throat cough

Gargle with Salt Water: 

For many years, people have used saltwater gargles as a natural treatment for a variety of throat ailments, including coughs. One teaspoon of salt should be dissolved in a glass of warm water to make a saltwater gargle. Gargle with the solution many times a day to help relieve itching and discomfort by killing germs in the throat and reducing inflammation. 

Honey and Lemon: 

This traditional home medicine is well-known for its ability to relieve coughs and sore throats. It combines honey and lemon. Lemon offers antioxidants and vitamin C, while honey has inherent antimicrobial qualities. Coughs that are dry and irritating can be relieved by combining a spoonful of honey with freshly squeezed lemon juice in warm water and drinking it several times a day.

Steam Inhalation:

Inhaling steam is a useful technique for relieving dryness and irritation in the throat. Boil some water in a saucepan, then gently lean over it with a cloth over your head to capture the steam. This is how steam inhalation is done. Take deep breaths and let the steam enter your nose and throat passages for a few minutes. Consider adding a few drops of essential oils, like peppermint or eucalyptus, to the water for even more calming benefits.

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Marshmallow Root:

 Marshmallow root has a gel-like material called mucilage that covers and soothes the throat to relieve dryness and discomfort. You may brew a tea out of marshmallow root steeped in hot water or use it as a gargle solution. Including marshmallow root in your regimen is a good way to relieve the symptoms of a cough that is dry and irritating in the throat.

Hard Candy or Throat Lozenges: 

Sucking on hard candy or throat lozenges will assist increase saliva production, which will keep the throat wet and lessen the need to cough. For extra soothing effects on the throat, look for lozenges with components like eucalyptus or menthol.

Humidify the Air: 

Coughing and throat discomfort can be made worse by dry indoor air. By adding moisture to the air in your house, a humidifier helps relieve dryness and ease sore throats. To maintain the best possible air quality in your house and stop the formation of mold and germs, it is imperative that you clean your humidifier on a regular basis.


Although a dry, itchy throat cough might be upsetting, relief is possible at home with the correct treatments. There are several ways to relieve coughs and soothe throat discomfort, such as using honey, lemon, and marshmallow root in daily regimen, staying hydrated, and gargling with saltwater. Moreover, using steam inhalation, lozenges on the throat, and air humidification might help relieve symptoms even more. For additional assessment and treatment, you should speak with a healthcare provider if your symptoms worsen or continue. You may relieve your throat and make it more comfortable by implementing these natural treatments into your routine, which will also help to improve your general health and well-being.

You Can Read More About Home remedies for dry itchy throat cough Here. 

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