Onion or garlic for hair growth: What is a better 1 home remedy?

Onion or garlic for hair growth: What is a better home remedy?

Onions and garlic are both good for hair. Is onion better than garlic for hair growth? Read on to learn about the greatest home cure for hair growth.

Hair loss may be temporary or permanent, depending on the reason. It might be a natural part of the aging process, or it could be caused by your genes, hormone changes during pregnancy, or medical conditions like thyroid difficulties. Seeing pieces of your hair on the floor, regardless of your age, may be distressing. While eating well and following a suitable hair care regimen are important for healthy hair, you may also seek for natural ways to grow it. Onions and garlic are common home treatments for hair growth. Is onion better than garlic for hair?


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Onion for hair growth

According to a 2014 research published in the Journal of Dermatology, individuals who washed their hair with onion juice had higher hair growth than those who used tap water. Sulfur in onions aids in the formation of collagen, which aids in the development of healthy hair cells. This can encourage hair development and strengthen hair follicles, according to Dr. Jatin Mittal, a cosmetologist and skin specialist. Sulfur also promotes blood circulation to the hair follicles, hence preventing hair loss.


hair growth

Onion juice boosts hair growth. Image credit of Freepik

Other advantages of onion for hair:

  • Onions have natural antibacterial qualities that can help treat scalp infections. They may cause hair loss or prevent hair growth.
  • Onion juice functions as a natural conditioner, leaving hair smooth and lustrous. According to the expert, it can also help detangle hair and reduce breakage.
  • Because of its antifungal characteristics, onion juice may be an effective natural remedy for dandruff. It can help remove dandruff-causing fungus from the scalp.

Garlic for hair growth

  • According to a 2023 study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, topical garlic was deemed one method for treating alopecia areata, or patchy hair loss.
  • According to Dr. Mittal, garlic contains sulfur, which aids in the creation of collagen, which is required for good hair development. Improved collagen synthesis can promote hair growth.
  • Garlic also includes minerals like zinc and selenium, which are essential for having strong and healthy hair. These minerals assist to prevent breakage and strengthen hair strands at the root.
  • Garlic includes allicin, a chemical thought to promote blood circulation. Improved blood circulation to the scalp ensures that hair follicles receive an appropriate quantity of nutrients and oxygen, which reduces hair loss.
  • Garlic contains natural antibacterial and antifungal qualities that can help treat scalp problems including dandruff and itching. A healthy scalp is essential for supporting hair growth.

Here are some more benefits of garlic for hair:

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  • Regular application of garlic juice or oil can add shine to your hair and enhance its overall appearance.
  • Garlic oil may permeate the hair shaft and feed it from inside, lowering the risk of split ends and encouraging healthier hair.R growth.

Should you use onion or garlic for hair growth?

Because of its high sulfur content and other beneficial characteristics, onion and garlic both promote hair growth. However, there are some distinctions between the two.


Also Read: How to grow hair faster naturally, according to top trichologists

1. Additional nutrients

Garlic contains zinc and selenium, which are minerals important for maintaining healthy hair and preventing hair loss. These minerals may provide additional benefits for hair growth compared to onions, says the expert.

2. Antimicrobial properties

Garlic has more antibacterial capabilities than onions, which might be especially good for persons battling with scalp diseases like dandruff. If you want to grow your hair, you need to have a healthy scalp environment.

How to use onion and garlic in hair care routine?

Here are some ways to use onions and garlic for hair:

1. Onion or garlic juice

  • Blend or grate onions or garlic to extract their juice, then drain the mixture through cheesecloth.
  • Apply the juice immediately to your scalp using a cotton ball or your fingers. Gently massage the scalp for a few minutes.
  • Leave the juice on your hair for at least 30 minutes to an hour, then thoroughly wash it with a gentle shampoo to get rid of the fragrance.
The expert recommended doing this once or twice a week. Choose topics of interest and let us create your feed.



hair growth

You may use onion juice or garlic oil to promote hair development. Image credit of Freepik


2. Onion or garlic oil

  • To prepare onion or garlic-infused oil, soak sliced onions or garlic cloves in a carrier oil like coconut or olive oil for several days.
  • After the infusion period, strain the oil and massage it into your scalp and hair.
  • Massage the oil into your scalp and keep it on overnight for best results. The next morning, wash your hair with a light shampoo.You can use onion or garlic oil twice or three times each week.

3. Commercial products

You can opt for commercial hair care products with onion or garlic extract. These products are designed to deliver the advantages of onion or garlic without the strong odor, making them more suitable for daily usage.

There are other onion hair masks you may try.

What are the side effects of onion or garlic for hair?

Dr Mittal explains that while onion and garlic are typically safe for topical usage on the scalp, some people may have adverse effects or allergic responses such as skin irritation. Furthermore, the intense odors of onion and garlic may stay on the scalp and hair long after washing, which can be uncomfortable for some people. Overuse of onion or garlic treatments can cause hair to dry out or become brittle. To keep your hair healthy, you should balance the usage of these treatments with moisturising and conditioning routines.

Children, persons with sensitive skin, people with scalp diseases like eczema, psoriasis, or dermatitis, and pregnant and nursing moms should all avoid using these home treatments for hair development.


Also Read: 5 Best benefits of kiwi for hair

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