Dumbbell Shoulder and Overhead Press: Best 4 Upper Body Strength
The shoulder and overhead presses are excellent workouts for increasing upper-body strength and stability. Here’s how you do things.
Use these workouts to build upper-body strength. Image credit: Adobe Stock.
Dumbbell shoulder press
When it comes to dumbbell or upper body workouts, we must first dispel the myth that women should avoid them because they would finish up looking big like the Hulk. No, that is not the case! Women, like men, should engage in muscle growth workouts to develop their upper bodies, which will eventually lead to overall strength and posture. One such workout is the shoulder and overhead press using dumbbells. Let’s look at how to do a decent shoulder and overhead press.
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The shoulder and overhead presses are excellent workouts for the shoulders, upper back, and arms. These exercises are beneficial for growing upper-body strength and muscular mass, as well as improving posture and shoulder stability.
These workouts will help you develop your upper body! Image courtesy of Shutterstock
How to Perform a Dumbbell Shoulder Press.
Also Read: Seated Dumbbell Press Video Exercise Guide
Upper body strength
1. Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and holding a set of dumbbells at shoulder height. Your palms should be facing forward, with your elbows bent at a 90-degree angle.
2. Engage your core and press the dumbbells above, completely extending your arms. Keep your shoulders down and away from your ears.
3. Pause at the top of the exercise, then gently descend the dumbbells to shoulder height.
4. Repeat the desired number of times.
Build upper strength with shoulder exercise. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
How do you execute a dumbbell overhead press?
Also Read:
Include the best 7.5 kg dumbbells in your home gym to help you reach your fitness objectives. Image courtesy of Adobe Stock.
Shoulder strength exercises
The overhead press is similar to the shoulder press, except the weights are pressed straight overhead rather than in front of the torso. This exercise utilizes the same muscles as the shoulder press, but it also works the core and lower body to maintain stability. Here’s how to do an overhead press.
Overhead press
1. Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and holding a set of dumbbells at shoulder height. Your palms should be facing inward, with your elbows bent at a 90-degree angle.
2. Engage your core and press the dumbbells squarely overhead, completely extending your arms. Keep your shoulders down and away from your ears.
3. Press the weights up while leaning slightly back and pushing your hips forward to activate your core and maintain balance.
4. Pause at the top of the exercise before carefully lowering the dumbbells back to shoulder height.
5. Repeat the desired number of times.
Try the overhead press to build upper-body strength! Image courtesy of Shutterstock
Tips to Maximize Your Results:
1. Begin with modest weights and work on appropriate form. As you get more familiar with the workouts, progressively increase the weight.
2. Engage your core during the exercise to assist stabilize your body and avoid injury.
3. When pressing the weights above, avoid arching your back or lifting your shoulders. Keep your motions under control and smooth.
4. Inhale as you lower the weights, and exhale as you press them above.
5. Include shoulder and overhead presses in your normal strength training regimen, intending to do them 1-2 times each week.
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