BOSU Ball Weight Loss: 5 Best Tips for Effective Results
If you enjoy working out on sophisticated gym equipment, you should try the BOSU ball. It not only improves your endurance but also helps you lose weight.
BOSU ball weight loss
Sweat it out with a BOSU ball! Image courtesy of Shutterstock
We all reach a point in our training routines where stagnation takes control. Essentially, it is the point at which we no longer see any outcomes despite our best efforts. It’s time to step up our game and attempt something new. It might be raising the number of reps, lifting more weight, or adding equipment to your routine that can raise the bar. Speaking of equipment, have you noticed the jiggly-wiggly ball in one area of your gym? If you have one, you should grab one right now because we’re going to show you how a BOSU ball can help you lose weight.
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What are you expected to do with this?
Just be patient, as Mukul Nagpaul, the founder of Pmftraining and a Fit India Movement ambassador, is here to help.
Also Read: How to lose weight: Have you tried the Bosu ball workout yet?
What is a BOSU ball, and how do you use it?
The BOSU ball (BOSU is an abbreviation for “both sides up,” by the way) causes instability, forcing you to activate your core and employ more muscle groups to maintain proper form and position. As a consequence, you can expect to improve your balance while also challenging your entire body.
BOSU ball weight loss
Add a BOSU ball to your training routine and you’ll lose weight like crazy! Image courtesy of Shutterstock
“First and foremost, I must say that a BOSU ball is an excellent choice for working out your body. It resembles a stability ball sliced in half. Nonetheless, it’s an amazing tool for building strength and adding the difficulty of balancing training. It simply takes several of your favorite bodyweight and dumbbell strength routines and amps them up by using an unstable surface,” explains our fitness guru Mukul Nagpaul.
A BOSU ball exercise is an excellent addition to your weekly program to add intensity and diversity while keeping your muscles guessing.
Nagpaul adds, “Changing up your exercises is critical for seeing results—you don’t want your body to become accustomed to performing the same thing again and over. So combining the BOSU challenge means even more muscle-building benefits!”
He suggests these four interesting workouts that may be done with a BOSU ball.
1. BOSU Ball Plank
If you’re new to using a BOSU ball for strength training, start with mastering a high plank. It pushes you to use more muscles to stay stable on uneven ground. Aim to hold a plank for 30 seconds and gradually increase the duration to one minute.
BOSU ball weight loss
BOSU ball benefits
Boost your planks with a BOSU ball. Image courtesy of Shutterstock
2. BOSU ball push-ups
Flipping the BOSU ball and standing on its rubbery side elevates your push-ups to a whole new level. Remember that you want your shoulders to be squarely above your wrists, so if they move away from them to relieve pressure, drop to your knees and perform a modified push-up. The challenge is to keep appropriate form on an unsteady surface.
BOSU ball workouts
How to Perform BOSU Ball Push-Ups: Flip a BOSU ball and position your hands shoulder-width apart on the flat surface’s edges. Tighten your core and glutes to keep your body from swaying side to side. Lower your body toward the ball, then raise yourself back to the starting position. This is 1 rep.
3. BOSU ball oblique crunches
This exercise appears to be simple, but holding the crunch at the top emphasizes the engagement of your side ab muscles, also known as obliques. Form plays an important role here as well. Remember to maintain your hips square and one leg placed on top of the other.
Oblique crunches: Start in a side forearm plank position with your right arm. Rest your right hip on the ball and stack your left leg precisely over your right to square your hips. Place your left hand behind your head, gripping your left obliques, and raise your knees to complete a crunch. Pause briefly at the apex of the action before lowering your legs back down. This is 1 rep.
4. BOSU ball lunges
This BOSU ball workout will put your balance to the test. Lunges are an excellent workout for developing the quads and glutes while also testing your leg stability.
BOSU ball weight loss
BOSU ball training
Lunges are one of the most effective lower body workouts! Image credit: Adobe Stock.
To execute BOSU ball lunges; stand in front of the ball and place your right foot on top of it. Take a large stride forward with your left foot. Lower your body into a lunge by bending your front and rear knees to 90 degrees. Make sure your left knee is squarely above your left ankle and your right knee isn’t touching the ground. Push against your heels to get back up. This is 1 rep. Alternate sides.
Also Read: BOSU ball weight loss
BOSU ball fitness
Image credit: Adobe Stock
So, get the BOSU going, people!
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